Adding and Dropping Courses
A student who finds it necessary to change his/her schedule by adding or dropping courses (without receiving a grade of “W") must complete the process in Wolf Tracks during the drop/add period, as outlined on the academic calendar.
Dropping a Course
A student may drop (withdraw) from a course up to the date stated on the Academic Calendar. Courses dropped before the census date are deleted from the student's record; courses dropped after the census date will result in a “W" grade.
Students must drop courses in Wolf Tracks. Courses may not be dropped during campus closure dates (e.g., Fall Break, Spring Break).
Students enrolled in corequisite courses may withdraw from a course that has a corequisite only after midterm grades have been posted. Corequisite drop(s) cannot be completed in Wolf Tracks. The drop request must be emailed to no later than the last day to drop a course with a W, as listed on the Academic Calendar.
A student who stops attending class or leaves the University without following the official withdrawal procedures is subject to a “F" grade and may be denied re-entry into the University.
Failure to complete courses may have an impact on a student’s financial aid status. See Financial Aid section of this Catalog for details.
Academic schedule changes are not official until approved and processed through the Registrar’s Office.