Graduate Academic Policies
With the exception of the policies listed below, graduate and undergraduate academic policies are the same (refer to Undergraduate Academic Policies section, if necessary).
Students enrolled in a distance learning program or course must adhere to the same academic policies as those enrolled in traditional on-campus programs or courses as presented in this Catalog.
It is the graduate student’s responsibility to become familiar with the academic regulations and policies of the University as well as the degree and special requirements of his/her own academic program. Individual program requirements may be found in the section of this catalog specific to each program.
It is the graduate student’s responsibility to become familiar with the academic regulations and policies of the University as well as the degree and special requirements of his/her own academic program. Individual program requirements may be found in the section of this catalog specific to each program.
The University is committed to providing graduate degree-level programs that are rigorous and build on the academic foundation developed during students' undergraduate experience. Post-baccalaureate professional degree programs and graduate degree programs are progressively more advanced in academic content than undergraduate programs. Content and rigor of post-baccalaureate degree programs are designed to show mastery of a specific discipline area.
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University is a SACSCOC Level V degree granting institution offering a post-baccalaureate professional doctoral degree program of study in nursing practice for nurse anesthesia (DNP-NA) and a post-baccalaureate professional doctoral degree program in physical therapy (DPT). Program curricula are designed to teach the skills and knowledge of the professions while embedded best practice, evidence-based scholarly inquiry applicable to the clinical environment. The post- baccalaureate professional doctoral degree programs provide academic paths for students to achieve advanced practice skills while developing their leadership capabilities and influence their profession.
The University also offers post-baccalaureate professional (clinical) master's degree programs in applied behavioral analysis (MS), physician assistant studies (MMS), nursing for family nurse practitioner (MSN- FNP), and nutritional sciences (MSNS), as well as health administration (MHA). The purpose of the post- baccalaureate professional (clinical) master's degree programs is to prepare students for advanced practice roles in the clinical setting. The graduate master's degree programs are structured to enhance students' knowledge in discipline specific areas while preparing them for the potential of future doctoral study.
The graduate level degree programs at the University are administered by the deans of each school, who report to the Provost / Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). The University's graduate faculty, represented by the Graduate Council, serve as an advisory council to advise the VPAA on graduate policies, courses and curricula. Graduate courses are developed by the graduate faculty and approved by the Graduate Council.