Credit Hour Policy

This policy reflects the fundamental and commonly accepted principles in higher education associated with the traditional Carnegie unit by establishing the minimum amount of direct instructional time that is required for the award of academic credit.

A “credit hour” is an academic unit measuring credit based on the number of instructional hours per week throughout an academic year. The academic year consists of two (2) regular semesters (fall and spring), each not less than fifteen weeks in length and a summer semester not less than eight weeks in length. During the regular semesters short courses (8-week) may be offered.

Short courses (8-week) are concentrated and contain the same number of hours as if the course were scheduled for a full semester. To maintain the integrity of the instructional program, care is taken when scheduling short courses to ensure there is adequate time for students to complete homework assignments or by arrangement laboratory assignments.

The number of credit hours awarded is determined during course development and revision in compliance with University policies and procedures as published in the faculty section of the University Employee Handbook. As part of the new course development and course revision process rationale for credit hour award is documented.

Credit hour award is equivalent throughout the University. The method of instruction, time when a course is taught or course instruction site does not alter the calculation of the credit hour. Credit hours and student work load per credit hour are comparable across all courses offered by the institution, taking into account special requirements of accrediting agencies. The course workload will commensurate with the credit hours awarded.

It is generally expected throughout the University that one hour in class AND two hours outside of class per week or the equivalent combination is connected to every credit hour for students to attain stated course student learning outcomes or the equivalent for other academic activities including but not limited to laboratory work, internships or practica. This expectation may be exceeded dependent upon discipline or degree level. Credit should be given only to those courses which apply toward completion of requirements for a badge, certificate of degree at the University.

The University does not offer credit for courses defined as remedial.
Credit bearing courses will be recorded on the student’s permanent academic record (transcript). The Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University awarding of credit hours aligns with the:
1. U.S. Department of Education Final Regulations on Program Integrity and Student Aid (published 10.29.2010 / effective 07.01.2011)
2. SACSCOC Credit Hours policy statement (approved 06.2011)