Progression Non Progression

Progression and Non-Progression statuses are used by some programs as a benchmark for student success. Each program defines Progression and Non-Progression requirements differently. These requirements can be found under each program heading in the Catalog. Progression and non- progression statuses, while part of the student's permanent record, are not printed on the student's transcript.

Progression status designates an enrollment status whereby the student is satisfactorily completing their program of study in a timeframe determined to be appropriate by the student's program and the student is eligible to continue their enrollment.

Non-progression status indicates a student is not completing their program of study in a timely and/or satisfactory manner as determined by the student's program or by the Governing Board over that program's profession. Non-progression may restrict which courses are available to the student, as well as their expected completion date. Student's who resolve Non-progression issues will be placed back into progression upon notification to the Registrar by the student's program or the program's Governing Board.