Program Mission
The mission of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences is to educate students through a cross-disciplinary curriculum that will serve as the foundation for further academic pursuits or career advancement.
Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the degree requirements, the student will be able to:
- Able to apply evidence-based principles to problems in a concentrated field of study.
- Communicate effectively on a variety of topics related to a concentrated field of study.
- Use resources from the literature associated with a concentrated field of study.
- Exhibit awareness of ethical responsibilities in a variety of settings.
- Explain skills and theories that can be applied in preparation to lead or manage effectively in a health care environment.
Admissions Requirements
An Associate of Applied Science or Associate of Science degree;
60 total semester hours of higher education credit from an accredited university or college.
Minimum GPA of 2.0 on all attempted coursework.
- 60 credit hours from coursework earned toward an Associate or Baccalaureate degree program.
- 24 credit hours of the following core courses:
THEO 1310
HADM 4325
HADM 4355
HADM 4375
HADM 4385
PHIL 2320 or THEO 3345
BADM 4910
Professional Communication (3 credit hours) -
examples of Professional Communication course options are: WRIT 2315; WRIT 3335; WRIT 4315
- 9 credit hours in 3000 and 4000 level HADM/BADM/MGMT/MRKT coursework
- 15 credit hours of approved 3000 and 4000 level courses (with advisor approval, based on intended field of work or other academic interests)
- 12 or more credit hours in general electives (may be from associate degree or previously completed coursework)
Total = 120 Credit Hours for Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree
Graduation Requirements
The Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences is conferred upon students when the following conditions are met, in addition to the general requirements for graduation:
Completion of 120 semester credit hours
A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on all college work with grades of C or better in all courses leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences
Fulfillment of the residency requirement of the University (see Academic Policies section) with 2 service-learning projects
Clearance of all indebtedness to the University, including the return of all materials borrowed from the university library