Bachelor Degree General Education

Baccalaureate Degree General Education Requirements

Franciscan Servant-Leaders: 6 credit hours
THEO 1310: Introduction to Theology 3 credits

Ethics/Philosophy: 3 credit hours
Choose One:

PHIL 2315, PHIL 2320, THEO 3345, THEO 3350, THEO 3360 

Service Learning must complete at least 6 credit hours of service-learning in any discipline
Theology coursework meets the Mission Curriculum requirement
All THEO 1310 sections are offered with Service-Learning

Highly Skilled Professionals: 9 credit hours

WRIT 3 credits
COMM 3 credits
WRIT or COMM elective 3 credits

Integrated Thinkers: 9 credits
Choose one: ENGL, MUSI, ART, HIST, HUMN, 3 credits

Social /Behavioral Sciences
Choose one: ANTH, ECON, HIST, POLI 6 credits

Natural Sciences/Mathematics: 6 credit hours
MATH 3 credits
Choose One: BIOL, CHEM, PHSC, PHYS 3 credits
Some programs designate a specific science course for this requirement.
Students should consult with their advisors before enrolling


Transfer of General Education Credits

Completing the general education requirements at an accredited college or university will satisfy all of the University’s general education requirements except the Franciscan Servant Leaders general education required coursework.  Particular programs may require additional arts and sciences courses.